
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mokal Bhajani

'Bhajaniche thalipeeth' and 'bhajaniche wade' are common in maharashtrian homes. But still there is one more recipe which is made by using bhajani i.e. ‘Mokal Bhajani’. It can be categorized as evening snack dish. The taste is as awesome as thalipeeth.

Ingredients :
2 cups thalipeeth bhajani
2 chopped onions
1 tsp chilly powder
½ tsp asafoetida
1 tspn mustard seeds
½ tspn turmeric powder
2-3 tbspns Oil
few curry leaves
Salt to taste
Fresh grated coconut (for garnishing)
Finely chopped coriander (for garnishing)

Preparation :
Take bhajani in a bowl
Add chilly powder and salt
Now add sufficient quantity of water to make batter of thick consistency

Heat oil in a pan
Add mustard seeds, hing , turmeric powder and curry leaves to the oil
Put chopped onion and fry it for 10 minutes
Pour the bhajani batter into the pan
Stir the mixture for 5 minutes
Keep lid on the pan and allow it to cook for 10-15 minutes
Remove the lead
Saute the mixture till it becomes a bit dry (Add oil if necessary to make it a bit crispy)
Garnish it with grated fresh coconut and chopped coriander
Serve hot


  1. अमरेंद्र, अतिशय सुंदर उपक्रम. विशेषतः फोटोसहित टाकल्यामुळे वाचायला खूप मजा येते. काळाच्या ओघात हरवत चाललेल्या पारंपरिक पदार्थांना पुनरुज्जीवित करण्याच्या तुझ्या प्रयासाचे अभिनंदन!
    तशी प्रत्येक पदार्थाला वेगवेगळ्या व्यक्तींची बनवण्याची पद्धत बदलत जाते. काही जण मोकळ भाजणी करताना ती कुकरमधे उकडून घेतात, गाजराच्या दह्याच्या कोशिंबिरीत मोहरी चढण्यासाठी वाटून घालतात, मोदकाच्या उकडीत लोणी घालतात..वगैरे वगैरे..पण प्रमाणबद्ध रेसिपी असली की करायला हुरूप येतो. तेच इथे सांभाळल्याबद्दल विशेष कौतुक.

  2. Thank you so much for the compliments and expert tips. In future, I will definitely seek guidance from experts before posting the recipes.
