
Saturday, June 15, 2013


Aamrakhand is a traditional dessert from the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat. It can be made from the ingredients easily available at home. This dish is generally served with Puris.

Servings:2 people

Time: 25-30 minutes (Pre-preparation time - 6-8 hours)

1 cup Thick Hung Curds (Chakka)
1 cup Fresh Mango Pulp (Alphanso)
1/2 cup powdered Sugar
1/4 tspn Cardamom Powder
15-16 Saffron strands (soaked in milk)

For Garnishing:
Pistachio flakes
Mango Pieces
Saffron strands

Take 3 cups of curds and hang it in a Muslin cloth for 5-6 hours, preferably in refrigerator / cool place. Ensure that the water is drained off. 

Take Hung Curds in a mixing bowl. Add Mango Pulp and mix well. Then add the sugar and mix. Allow it to rest for an half an hour. Adjust the sweetness by adding sugar powder if required. Mix again.

Now pass the mixture through Strainer to make it smooth and even texture. (Traditionally the mixture is passed through a special machine used for making another traditional dish i.e. Puran. The machine is called Puran Yantra). Lastly add the Cardamom powder and Saffron strands soaked in milk. 

Garnish it with Pistachio, Saffron strands and Mango Pieces.

Refrigerate it and serve chilled.

1. The curds should be tied and hanged in refrigerator, otherwise it will turn Sour.
2. You may substitute the Cardamom Powder with Nutmeg Powder.
3. Chopped mango pieces may also be added in the Aamrakhand instead of mongo pulp to make it more rich.

Stepwise Pictures:

Sending this entry to Simply Food's Taste of Tropics Event., Nivedhanam's Authentic Indian Sweets Event and Cook Yellow Event announced at Merry Tummy.


  1. Looks so Delicious... Nice clicks...

  2. A summer MUST! Nothing beats a BIG bowl of Amrakhanda and pooris :)

  3. I am carving for some puris to go with this

  4. Yum yum! My favourite summer treat!

  5. Very delightful and rich looking aamrakhand,love to finish that bowl.

  6. Beautiful creamy and rich.Great mouthwatering clicks.

  7. delightful and droolworthy!!! silky smooth and delicious!! Thanks for linking it to my event!! Looking for more yummy recipes!!
    Event - Authentic Indian Sweets w giveaway
    Event - Eggless Baking-Sweet/Savory
