Thank you so much Anjana of Maayeka for passing this lovely award. Please do visit her delicious blog. 

I am extremely honored to receive the Versatile Blogger Award from Poonam Borkar and Sriya. Thanks you so much Poonam and Sriya for such a lovely award. I am honoured. 


  1. Amu, I first ate Indian food nearly 50 years ago and seek out new Indian restaurants when I see them. I have only now taken up an interest in cooking truly original Indian dishes. My problem is that I am not familiar with some of the ingredients. In your mango kadhi recipe you call for “semi-soft curd.” What is the English/American equivalent of “curd” and more specifically semi-soft curd?

  2. Amu, I first ate Indian food nearly 50 years ago and seek out new Indian restaurants when I see them. I have only now taken up an interest in cooking truly original Indian dishes. My problem is that I am not familiar with some of the ingredients. In your mango kadhi recipe you call for “semi-soft curd.” What is the English/American equivalent of “curd” and more specifically semi-soft curd?

  3. Dear Amarendra:

    It is very nice to see the chartered accountant like you posting such mouthwatering blog.
    Even I am also chartered accountant and like cooking.
    But due to my mom & wife, i am not able to cook.
    But by reading your blog, I will definatly try.
    My Regards,

  4. Congratulations on your Master Chef Runner Up Award Amar. I am glad to connect with you on this platform and I should admit that you are truly a versatile chef. Great going and keep rocking


  5. Hi Amarendra...Congratulations on your Master Chef Runner up Award. Your immense food enthusiasm motivated me to tell about which aims to bring all the food lovers like foodies, home chefs, professional chefs, food bloggers, cooking instructors or restaurants together on one platform.You can create your profile to maintain your recipes and network with others to gain online visibility. Do check our website and like the FB page to share journey of food love!


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