Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Exotic Veg. Toast Sandwich

Toast sandwich is one of my favourite quick snack.  You put anything in it including leftovers and still the output is tasty. This time I made toast sandwich from some left-over vegetables and mushrooms.

Ingredients :
For Stuffing :
1 cup blanced Broccoli and Sweet Corn
4-5 chopped mushrooms
1 chopped capsicum
1 tspn butter
Salt to taste

For Sandwich :
8 Brown bread slices
Oregano as required
Chilly flakes as required

For Garnishing :
Grated cheese

To Serve with :
Tomato Ketchup

Preparation :
To make stuffing :
Heat butter in a pan
Add mushrooms and capsicum to it
Stir fry for 2-3 minutes
Then add blanched sweet corn and broccoli
Lastly add salt to taste

To make sandwich :
Apply butter to the brown bread slices
Place the stuffing over one of the slices
Sprinkle oregano and chilly flakes over the stuffing
Close the sandwich by placing another buttered bread slice over it
Toast the sandwich in 'Sandwich Toaster'  for 3-4 minutes till both the sides are roasted
Transfer it into serving dish
Garnish it with grated cheese
Serve hot with Tomato Ketchup

Notes :
Number of sandwiches made from above quantity is 4 sandwiches.
You may also add cheese to the sandwich along with the stuffing

Stepwise Pictures :

Monday, June 27, 2011

Cabbage Poha

Pohe (Flattened rice) is a very popular breakfast in Maharashtra. This recipe is not a traditional 'Kande Pohe' recipe, but  has been twisted to give a Chinese / Thai touch.

Ingredients :

1 cup thick flattened Rice
2 cups lengthwise chopped cabbage
1/2 lengthwise chopped capsicum
1/2 cup roasted and peeled peanuts (salted)
3-4 tspns Sugar
1/2 tspn lemon juice
Salt to taste

For Tempering:
3-4 tbspns Oil
1 tspn mustard seeds
1 tspn cumin seeds
1/2 tspn asafoetida (Hing)
6-7 curry leaves
2 chopped green chillies
1 tspn seasme seeds (Optional)

For Garnishing :
Chopped corriander

Preparation :

Wash flattened rice in water
Keep it aside for 15 minutes
Heat oil in a pan
Add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, seasme seeds and asafoetida to oil
Then add curry leaves and green chillies
Now add chopped cabbage and capsicum to the tempering
Saute it for 3-5 minutes
Then add sugar and salt at this stage
Again saute it for a minute
Then add roasted and peeled peanuts to the mixture
Lower the flame at this stage
Add soaked flattened rice (Pohe)
Cover the pan with lid
Allow it to cook for 3-4 minutes
Remove the lid the stir the mixture
Switch off the flame
Add lime juice to Poha
Garnish it with chopped corriander and roasted peanuts

Notes :
Sugar should be added at cooking stage of cabbage to avoid strong smell of cabbage.

Stepwise Pictures :

And this recipe has won the prize in the contest on Sanjeev Kapoor's website. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kheer (Shevayanchi Kheer)

This recipe belongs to one of my best friends Nandu (Nandini Kulkarni) who is a very good cook. I wanted to make kheer since many days, but didnt get time. Finally this saturday, I tried and turned out awesommeee..
In traditional recipe, we use to heat milk till it is half in quantity. However, the process is very time consuming. Adding condensed milk will save time and also give yummy taste to kheer.

One again Thank you Nandu for sharing this special recipe with me.

Ingredients :
1 litre full cream milk
1/2 cup vermiceilli (shevayan)

1 tin condensed milk (sweetened)
1 1/2 tbspns pure ghee
1/4 cup soaked and chopped almonds
1/4 cup soaked cashews
7-8 strings saffron (soaked in milk)

Preparation :

Heat ghee in a pan
Add vermiceilli to the ghee
Fry vermiceilli till it is golden brown in colour
Then add boiling milk to the vermiceilli
Allow it to cook till the vermiceilli is soft
This process takes approximately 10 minutes
Then add chopped almonds and cashews to the kheer
Allow it to cook
Then add condensed milk to the kheer
Stir the entire mixture
Finally add soaked saffron strings
Take off from the heat
Serve it either hot or chilled

Notes :
Since sweetened condensed milk has been used in recipe, sugar is not used.
You may also add milk masala to kheer to make it more rich

Stepwise Pictures :

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